Friday 8 March 2013

sebuah cerita . - how to recover from your sadness ?

Assalammualaikum semua ! :D

since the previous post macam sedih sedih , inshaaAllah , entry kali ni , sedih sikit . ihiks . ok jangan sedih sedih k :) why sad when you can smile ? :)this is what i always told myself whenever i am sad . Tapi nya , kadang kadang failed jugak , thats why I'll find something to distract my sad feeling . So , this is my very own way okay :)

1. muhasabah diri .

Why and why ? Cari mana silap , kenapa benda ni terjadi ? I kept blaming myself all the time for not to study early and well . hiks . Yang ini kalau result exam teruk lah . Kalau macam relationship , macam family and friend kan , I will try to figure out my faults by asking them . By asking myself , etc . And I will try to fix it by asking for their forgiveness . Benda ni , jangan ego nak tunggu orang mintak maaf dengan kita , lower your ego or you will lose them , okay ? :) Apapun , back to Allah , Dia bagi ujian sebab Dia rindu :) what you love.

Since I dont have roomate . So , I can always make up my room the way I like . Housemates dah tahu sangat perangai ni . Yeah , to distract myself kan . Latest , I kicked out my study table and decided to study atas lantai je . :) Buat apa apa yang awak suka , sungguh . :)  So another favourite thing , mestilah bergambar , tapi macam buang tebiat je nak bergambar je kerja kan . HAHA . Banyak benda yang saya suka sebenarnya , macam conteng muka as in mekap . hiks . I went to The Body Shop just to buy my cleanser actually , alang alang kan , I buat Body Shop tu macam rumah , macam lepas gian pegi mekap diri sendiri , tapi natural look je lah . hiks . it'd been a year I dont pampered myself liddat . :)

3. find a place .

Place for you to leave the unwanted feelings . To find yourseld again . Faham ? Macam pantai ke . Since I was born and lived at Terengganu . Pantai ni macam tempat wajib pergi bila bila sedih macam ni. :D Dan disebabkan Pantai takde kat Tanta , I decided to go to Alexandria . Alone ? yes :) I am proud of myself cuz I made it ! Tapi jangan ah pergi pantai g terjun pulak , buatnya pergi tak balik balik . HAHAHA . jangan buat kerja bodoh okay ? And, let your close friend knows where're you going k , jangan buat orang risau :)

4. dont listen to sad song.

Ahaa ! this  ! Bila sedih , dengar sad songs. Lepastu cakap , eh macam kena dengan cerita aku pulak . EH , ni mcm theme song cerita sedih aku  . Eleh .. okay , its okay to listen to sad songs actually , tapi jangan lebih-lebih . I used to cry out loud kot , sebab rasa kosong sebab dengar lagu takkan pisah by eren tu . muahaha . Dengarlah lagu Ahmad Jais ke . ahak !but its okay to cry a river , kan :)

5. share with someone.

BUT , before that , mengadu kt Allah dulu . Baru cerita kt kawan kawan lain . My besties pernah cakap , "bukan kawan kalau tak menyusahkan"  ahaa ! susahkan dorang dengar your babbling .ihiks ! I'm that type yang , if I want to share , I'll share . Jangan PAKSA . that's me.  :D  thanks to my family, my adorable As in my life , my housemates , my alexandria duos and usrahmates not to forget . I love you guys so much. Thanks for  being there for me .

6. makan or cook ?

Admit that yang stress dengan makan tak boleh pisah , kan ? Memang langgar diet jugak lah last week , molek je dah turun around 5 kg, dah naik balik . Terukkan stress ni ?  ihiks . But the best thing is , sy akan masak bila stress . untung housemates . kehkehkeh . Last time pergi Alex tu , mula mula nak makan chicken tikka , sekali dah naik teksi nak pergi Green Plaza , i told them nak makan sushi , lepastu pergi lah Mori Sushi , then after that I changed my mind nak makan kt Taverna , that place where I used to have my dinner with family and friends. Reminisced all the good times together , tengok hotel yang kitorang stay tu , sedih pulak . Cuz I missed them so much . ya Allah :(


. so how about you ? :) Everyone have their very own story , I'm with this and you with that . But this is how we handle ourselves . either you want to stay in this kind of sad things , mourning , etc or you get up and move on . Things happened , and you cant rewind the time . Same goes to my feelings , even if I am sad pun , but I'm not hoping for that person to come back into my life . Cuz I dont wanna hurt twice . I will never let that happen again . betul :) All I can do is to pray for someone who sincerely loves me come at the right time and we'll live happily sampai syurga. ! We met for reasons , either you're a blessing or a lesson . So I take this as a lesson , so I can face another  heart broken dah :) kalau my brother baca ni mesti dia cakap aku ni pasrah gila . hiks .

**all the pictures taken during HELP ( hope enliving liberation of Palestine ) 

being happy doesnt mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond imperfections.

toodles :)

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