Sunday 5 January 2014


so here we go for the last update about the trip,  ah finally it come to its end , maigadd I cant believe it that I can split the story by part to part , and have this kind of patient of waiting to transfer all the photos , and sip the coffee , cis okay ni poyo sangat ni . hiks .

So , for our last day , we decided to visit Warner Bros studio , which is to be exactly the Harry Potter Tour, thanks Allah , we got this last two seats , sebab memang selalu full lah kalau nk pergi sini , we bought the ticket about 59GBP ,  quite pricey but not so worth it for me , tapi sebabnya dari dulu , memang minat Harry Potter , and to be honest that , Im growing up with this kind of series , mestilah nak grab the chance kan ?

So we went there on Monday , by Bus . So , the price above including the ride lah . Nak pergi Wartford pun dalam sejam jugak , sempat I tido , sebab migrain makan not so called red velvet beli dekat Tesco cuz Im way too hungryy ! But , before that , me and Syika split , Syika went to Oxford St while I went to Covent Garden to change my Pandora charms . Daripada colorful bagai , I choose to go all silver , lalalala .

your charms , your story . wahh ! 
So then , lepas tukar charms , I went to this bookstore , and I forgot the name , depan Charing Cross jugak , and I planned to buy some books , since theres lot of choice there , tapi tak jadi , cuz thinking of the luggage yg banyak dah barang , so its okay . buku boleh beli mana mana haha.*sedapkan hati*

Kuteruskan perjalanan ke Wartford , and yeah , the weather was so windy , nice and amazing SubhanAllah . Cantik sangat , I wish I could be here again and bring my baby sister along and my husband , too ? haha . But I and Syika already planned to come here again before we both settle down , and get married kahkah . Syika always told me not to get married early , yeah .. I m waiting for someone , and yet years to come . haha . So , heres the pictures of us , in HP TOUR , enjoice !

my childhood forever crush . haha

bilik harry , when he was 11 tu , igt tak scene Dudley lompat dekat tangga tu yg nak pergi zoo tu ?okay.haha

the dining hall , yeah kecik je sebenarnya .

i wish i could be slimmer than this . haha

remember the ball ?

sleepynya dia .

dumbledore's wig

depan pintu Hogwarts , eh gambar shaking . but the uncle was really nice .

bilik pakwe kita. 

truth to be told , my mood was ruined by someone , and that smile was fake , and just to think about it , i shouldnt be too emotional during holiday , haha

the lab behind me , and the tired face on me .

D's office !

the triwizard cup !

Pensieve behind me .


the exciting fact , the Hedwig is not alone as Hedwig , banyak rupanya animals yg take part for each character , 

rumah Hagrid !

rumah Weasley !

siapa ingat perempuan tu ? yang secretary tu ? I forgot her name but this is her office

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